If You Could Have any Superpower… Part 3

Following on from her suicidal intentions, Eva resolved to find some sort of purpose by helping people. After trying a few different charity helplines, none of whom were comfortable with a voice apparently coming from nowhere, Eva decided to set up her own text helpline for people who needed someone to talk to. It quickly became very popular, and Eva delighted in being able to offer a listening ear, albeit via text. Many individuals struggling with substance abuse, depression and suicidal thoughts got in touch, and her heart ached for each one. She knew how much it hurt, how tempting it was to give in, and sadly some of them did. But others thanked her for the support when they needed it most.

One day, as a teenager was talking about wanting to hide from the world because everyone hated her, Eva paused. She saw herself in this young girl, the desire to hide so familiar. Of all the superpowers she could have chosen, why invisibility? Was it due to a subconscious desire to hide? After spending time reflecting on the very choice that had given her life a chaotic turn, Eva knew that she was hiding from the world, and even worse, herself. In fact, she had known for some time that her self-worth was almost non-existent but had been unwilling to admit it.

By using various self-help books and telephone counselling, Eva sought to understand and accept herself as she was: worthy of love, significant, and with a part to play. It took much time and effort to rewrite the negative thoughts she’d entertained for years, but with each passing day she grew stronger and more determined to love herself.

One sunny morning in June, nearly a year after that fateful decision to become invisible, Eva was amusing herself by placing random objects in strangers’ shopping baskets and watching their startled reactions. ‘If you really want to see someone freak out, put a pregnancy test in my mate’s basket.’ The voice startled Eva, and she whipped around. Noticing that a young man was looking directly at her, she gasped ‘You can see me?!’

‘Erm… yeah,’ he responded.

Eva ran up to him and gave him a big hug. ‘You don’t know how good it is to hear that,’ she managed through tears.

‘So… are we on camera or something? Like, you know, Just for Laughs?’ The young man kept glancing round, convinced he was part of an elaborate joke.

From the corner of her eye Eva noticed the wise man approaching her. ‘You broke free. You are the first.’

‘I thought you said the change was permanent.’ Eva was confused.

‘Indeed, in that I was mistaken. It would seem that your acceptance of yourself has given you mastery over the ability.’ The wise man smiled and left as suddenly as he had appeared.

‘So does that mean…’ Eva concentrated for a moment, then looked at her hand. It was a translucent blue colour, just as when she had been invisible. She concentrated again, and her hand returned to normal!

‘What the…’ The young man rubbed his eyes, convinced he’d had too much to drink.

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